In 2018, the story of 300MOBUK began when we stood as the lone representatives of the 300C club at a car show in Kempton. Building on this modest start, our journey took an extraordinary turn later that year when we fulfilled a member’s final wish. We orchestrated a secret gathering of 40 enthusiasts at his home, forming a convoy led by him to the “Festival of Wheels” in Felixstowe. The result? We proudly claimed the title of Best Club Stand in 2018, a success we’ve consistently defended for three years in a row.
Since that pivotal moment, our focus has expanded to organizing shows and meet-ups, creating opportunities for members to enjoy memorable days with their 300C vehicles. Beyond the events, genuine friendships have blossomed, highlighting our dedication to growing and strengthening our community bonds.
Since then we organise shows and meets for members to come and experience great days out with their 300C’s.